Dancing the Tango with Moscow. Sputnik V in Argentina

With the help of Russia, Argentina became one of the first countries in Latin America to launch a vaccination campaign….

Die Impfkampagne in Serbien: Wenn alles anders kommt

Es gibt viele Gründe, die Regierung Vučić aufs Schärfste zu kritisieren. Die Impfpolitik gehört nicht dazu.

Rumänien am Ende des Pandemiejahres 2020

Das vergangene Jahr war für Rumänien ein bewegtes, wegen Corona, aber auch wegen des andauernden Ringens um Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Demokratie….

The Slaughterhouse Within: Covid-19, Workers from Romania and the German Meat Industry

The outbreak of Covid-19 infections in German slaughterhouses reveals the hidden cost of our schnitzel: the exploitation of workers from…

Covid-19 und Sardinen in Bosnien-Herzegowina: Fließbandarbeit in der Pandemie

Der Corona-Ausbruch in einer Fischfabrik in Herzegowina erinnert an den „Fall Tönnies“. Hier wie dort steht dahinter die extreme Lohnungleichheit…

Moldova against COVID-19: solitary or solidary?

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed, as in a drop of water, a series of weaknesses but also unsuspected strengths of the…

Executive politics in Russia in times of the pandemic: Shifting responsibility and blame as a technology of governance

The Kremlin’s reaction to the pandemic is part of a blame game. However, it remains to be seen whether Putin…

Between Statistical Calm and Political Tempest: “The Best Epidemiological Picture in Europe” and Slovenian COVID-19 Management

Slovenia was the first EU state to impose restrictive measures against the pandemic nationwide. At the same time, a new…

The Ruling Party’s Will to Power and the Inconsistency of Epidemiological Policies. What Is the Croatian “New Normal”?

The initial measures of the Anti-Pandemic Headquarters were hailed as a success. Yet recently, they took a political turn.

Competency and Trust Issues Vs Coronavirus in Kazakhstan

In Kazachstan, the relatively low number of cases could be the result of an open governance strategy.

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